Women Return To Training

Last night saw a big step forward for Oxford United Women as they returned to training ahead of the resumption of games in the National League.

United’s women were top of the table before Lockdown meant that the National League programme was suspended but the whole squad were able to train at the Training Ground last night, sticking to all protocols while preparing for a first game back against Keynsham at home on Sunday 13th December.

“It was just great to see everyone again” Manager Liam Gilbert confirmed. “It was tough for all of us, especially because we had been in really good form and the team spirit was exceptional before the break.

"We have obviously been in touch and had regular zoom meetings and the players have had their own fitness programmes to follow, but we all missed that togetherness that you only get from a proper training session.

“We were respectful and kept our distances and we will train again tonight because we want to start where we left off, if we can. Hopefully everyone has had a chance to get some rest, get ready and we can get back to playing again very soon.”

We’ll have full details on how you can see Oxford United Women take on Keynsham right here as they return to action.