Three Down Three To Go

Boss Karl Robinson was delighted with his squad as they won three back-to-back games at the weekend, scoring 12 goals and keeping three clean sheets in friendlies against Woking, Banbury United and Oxford City.

"People ask why we are playing three games in three days “ Karl told us “but everyone got 45 minutes in the first game then 60 or 30 in the other two so we are stepping things up all the time and they were playing while fatigued, pushing themselves all the time which is what you need to be doing.

“It was nice to see people like David Oldfield, James Constable and Andy Whing and we wish all three teams the best for the season ahead. We are all at different stages and seasons kick off at different dates so you can't read anything into the results at all but I was pleased with the way we played, all of our forwards got goals and we kept three cleans sheets so it’s a good start.

"Now we step things up with a game at Crystal Palace on Tuesday evening. That’s going to be another good test and we are starting to get to the business end of pre-season now. We have QPR at home on Saturday, another away friendly next Tuesday and then that’s it, the season gets under way on the Saturday.

“I’ve enjoyed the games so far and we are doing well. There have been one or two impact injuries but nothing serious and we go to Palace looking to have everyone involved and everyone trying to impress to be in the team on the opening day.”

The team are almost ready, are you? Season Tickets are still on sale from and 01865 337533. be part of it...