Women's Walking Footballers get International Chance

Last Saturday two members of the Oxford United Walking Football women's team travelled to the Solihull Walking Football Centre to take part in trials for the England teams.

Marisa Corbett was involved in the over 40’s age group whilst Carol Phillips was in the over 50’s.

Whilst we don’t yet know the outcome of the trials the club are proud that they have attended, and could possibly become the Walking Football team's first international players.

Marisa said "We had a great day and it was a great experience, I’m really glad I went although it was hard to get some players to pass the ball! We played 5-a-side and had 3 games of 25 minutes and I really enjoyed it."

Carol said she went to get an understanding of the new set up and find out what standard the National WFA were looking for as well as to meet other players from other clubs:

"In the over 50s we played 4 x 20 minute games at 6-a-side, I certainly didn’t feel out of my depth although it was at times hard to prove yourself. But hopefully the assessors were impressed and it was great to see that women's Walking Football is growing all over the country these days."

Whatever the outcome of the trials we wish both players the very best, be it for Oxford United, England, or both.

Walking Football is a fantastic way to keep fit and to socialise within a team envionment.

If you are female, over the age of 35 and wish to get / keep fit by playing football please take a look here and get in touch with the club. You don't need to have played football before; it could be a fresh start and a new way of getting regular exercise.