Tiger Heads For Glasgow

Chairman Sumrith 'Tiger' Thanakarnjanasuth flies in to Glasgow on Saturday ready to catch up with the U’s ahead of their pre-season game against Rangers at Ibrox on Sunday.

“I’m really looking forward to it” he told us from Thailand. “It is only a friendly but actually it is much more than that: it is a game against a world famous club at a stadium full of memories and history. I am sure everyone going there from Oxford will have a day to remember.”

Tiger will meet with Karl and the recruitment board before the game but feels that things are still moving in the right direction.

“Definitely” he said. “Alex Gorrin and Tariqe Fosu are good signings and add quality to what we already had. I have known Tariqe since he was a young player at Reading and I know what he brings to our team. He is so exciting to watch and that is an important thing for us- we have a team with players like Tariqe, Gavin Whyte, James Henry, Jamie Mackie, Rob Hall, Mark Sykes- all of them are very creative and entertaining for the fans.

“I know supporters are waiting for us to bring in more new players too. We will. In some ways the Rangers game has caused us a small problem because it is such a big match but people forget that it is earlier than usual and only our first game of pre-season. There is still time and we are still talking to players and confident that we will have new faces in soon. We have a fantastic recruitment team and we will build from what we already have.”

Tiger also asked us to pass on a message to fans:

“I really hope that those going to Glasgow have a brilliant day. I will try to come and speak to them and I want everyone to enjoy the occasion and the game.

“Season tickets have sold well this summer and there is so much optimism so let’s make Sunday the start of a new chapter for the club. Enjoy that day, enjoy the local games next week, and let’s have one last push to buy your season tickets and be there every week for Karl and the players.”