The Plymouth View

Ryan Taylor has been talking to the Plymouth Herald about returning to the U's on Saturday.

The 29-year-old forward signed for the Pilgrims last January after two seasons with the U's and it's a game he is looking forward to as in-form Argyle visit the U's.

“There is definitely extra motivation, for myself anyway. I always think that" he said. “It’s the same playing against Portsmouth, Rotherham – or whoever it may be – there is extra motivation.

“You want to do well because you have still got friends there, and what have you. You want to do well in front of your family and friends so I think that’s the extra push – not saying I give any less for any other game.”

“I’m looking forward to it. Obviously, I was there before I came here so it will be nice to go back. I spent 18 months there. Hopefully it’s going to be a good result.”

Taylor moved to Oxford from Portsmouth in the summer of 2015 and was part of the U’s squad which won promotion:

“I had an injury there which kept me out for a bit but, on the whole, it was very good. We got promoted from League Two into League One so I have got fond memories. There are only a few players there now that I know and there has been a shake up in the coaching staff as well so it’s going to be a bit different.”

Four successive wins have given the visitors plenty of momentum, but United won 4-0 at Home Park earlier in the season, which sets the game up nicely.

“The squad is very confident at the minute" Taylor said "and if we carry on what we have been doing then we will be looking up the table rather than down. It’s exciting for the next 13 games of what we can maybe do.”

That's a view shared by Argyle boss Derek Adams:

“All we do is try to win every game we possibly can, and we have done that since the start of the season. I’m not going to sit here and say ‘we are going to do this, we are going to do that'. I did say at the start the season ‘let’s see where we are with six games to go', and I stand by that.”

Argyle have sold out their allocation of 1,800 tickets for the game and Adams told the Plymouth Herald:

“The players are in great form and playing with great confidence. There were over 10,000 on a Tuesday night and they were very vocal, and that helped the team immensely. We are going to Oxford on Saturday and we have sold out our full allocation, and that tells you how they feel about the team. That’s a good thing."

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