Portugal update

Oxford United head for Portugal in July and we are indebted to fan Thomas Allen for some local information on public transport to and from the two matches on the Algarve.

The games will be on Wednesday 12th July and Saturday 15th, both scheduled for the Ferreirias Stadium, Albufeira and kicking off at 6.30pm local time. We will be announcing exciting opposition very soon.

The players will be staying at a training camp away from the main tourist areas but we advise supporters to stay in either the Vilamoura/Qarteria area where there are a wide range of hotels, restaurants and bars. Alternatively fans can stay in Albufeira, closer to the stadium itself.

The club will not be able to provide package deals for this trip or transport to the games but Thomas sent us the following email:

“I live 2 miles from the Ferreiras ground and visit it frequently. It is located 3 miles north of Albufeira.

“Unfortunately there is no public transport (ie buses) later than 6:45pm at weekends or 7:30pm weekdays from Albufeira towards Vilamoura. Anyone staying in that area would have to arrange their own transport. A taxi would be around 25 Euros each way. There is a large free car park at the ground for those that drive.

“Supporters who do not plan to rent cars may wish to stay in Albufeira - even the Sol Costa apartments perhaps, two minutes walk!. A local bus from and to Albufeira runs to and from a stop 100 yards to the ground until around 9pm at night. A taxi from or to Albufeira is about 10 Euros.”

We would like to thank Thomas for his advice: if other supporters live in/have visited the area please get in touch so we can continue to update fans travelling out to Portugal for the week.

Don't forget that pre-season starts on Saturday July 8th when the U's take on Oxford City at Court Place Farm.