Season Tickets Hotting Up

Season Ticket sales warmed up nicely on Friday as United fans made it the busiest day of the summer so far in the Ticket Office.

Whether it was the hot weather or pay day at the end of the month, fans were in touch throughout the day and booking their place as the adventure continues in 2017/18.
Season Ticket holders have until 5.30pm on June 9th to renew their existing seats from and from 01865 337533. Although the ticket office is closed through the Bank Holiday weekend the online ticket service is available 24/7.
The 0%APR finance option splitting the ticket price into 5 or 10 monthly interest free instalments  from Zebra Finance has proved especially popular: please note that this is ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE. The 10 month payment plan will be available until Friday 30th June and the 5 month plan until Thursday 31st August. FULL DETAILS ARE HERE
Prices for the new season start from £330 for adults with prices frozen in the Family Stand where we have a new look #OX4Life scheme designed to give young fans of all ages a great deal for the new season. Chairman Darryl Eales has also promised that for every season ticket sold he will personally donate £5 to Oxford United in the Community.
A season ticket entitles the holder to a seat for all 23 home league games plus priority booking for any all ticket matches, home and away.

Area      Category                           Price
      Adult                               £330
                Over 65                          £200
                Young Person                  £175
                Student                           £175
                U18                                 £110
                U13                                   £70
                U7                                    £30
                Adult                                 £390
                Over 65                             £235
                Young Person                     £210
                Student                             £210
                U18                                   £165
                U13                                  £90
                U7                                      £55
South Lower       
                Adult                                 £390
                Over 65                             £235
                Young Person                     £210
                Student                             £210
                U18                                  £165
                U13                                     £90
                U7                                      £55
South Upper     (apart from Blocks 11 - 13)
                Adult                                £440
                Over 65                             £255
                Young Person                     £235
                Student                             £235
                U18                                   £235
                U13                                     £90
                U7                                      £90
South Premium                (Blocks 11 & 13)
                Adult                                  £475
                Over 65                              £290
                Young Person/Student          £285
                U18                                    £285
                U13                                    £165
                U7                                      £165
Family Stand       
                Adult                                  £300
                Over 65                             £170
                Young Person                     £150
                Student                               £150
                U18                                      £75
                U13                                      £60
                U7                                      FREE
200 Club                
                Adult                                   £675
                Over 65                               £500
                Young Person                       £500
                Student                               £500
                U18                                    £500
                U13                                     £325
                U7                                       £325