12,000 Miles With a Bucket

Collection in aid of Prostate Cancer UK this Saturday

Football fans are known for their dedication, travelling miles to watch their beloved team play. But for super-volunteer Mark Vosper, it's Prostate Cancer UK’s Men United Match Days that he follows around the country, cumulatively journeying half-way round the globe to raise funds and awareness for the charity.

Travel 12,478 miles from London and you could reach New Zealand, almost half way around the world. Yet the closest Mark Vosper has got to Kiwi territory is the south coast of England.

That's because the 52-year-old football fan covered that distance by going to 64 football matches over the last three seasons through Prostate Cancer UK and the EFL’s match day collections.

"When I started, I thought it would be a great way to mix my love of football and my desire to raise money for a charity that’s close to home," says Mark, whose father was diagnosed with prostate cancer ten years ago.

"When he was diagnosed, none of us were clued up about it and my brother and I weren’t aware that we were at a greater risk due to the hereditary link. So that’s why I wanted to do something to spread the word and raise money. Thankfully my dad is OK but it could’ve been a different story, like it is for so many other men."

Thanks to the official partnership with the EFL, volunteers can be seen with their black donation buckets collecting funds for the charity to help more men like Mark’s father.

Today it’s Oxford United’s turn to host the charity collection and we’re delighted to welcome an army of volunteers to the Kassam Stadium. If you spot them, please say hello and donate generously.

If you’re interested in volunteering or finding out more about Prostate Cancer UK’s work in football, visit prostatecanceruk.org/football.

Meanwhile, Oxford United supporter Richard Jackson is doing a sponsored walk in aid of Prostate Cancer UK, taking part in day 15 of Jeff Stelling's and Prostate Cancer UK's March for Men. Stelling is walking from St James' Park, Exeter to St James Park, Newcastle and Richard is joining him from Durham Cricket Club, through the Stadium of Light and Gateshead International Stadium to Newcastle's ground, a total of 24.5 miles. Richard will, of course, be wearing his Oxford United shirt while on the walk. 

Please sponsor Richard by going to his JustGiving page at www.justgiving.com/richardjackson86.