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Community Trust set up Walking Football with Age UK

Are you passionate about football but haven’t played for a while, or simply fancy giving it a try?

The 7th May sees the launch of weekly Walking Football at The Oxford Academy. These sessions have been set up in partnership between Age UK Oxfordshire’s Generation Games (a physical activity service that encourages Oxfordshire’s over 50s to be more active) and the Oxford United Community Trust.

So how is it different to regular football?
Between 7 and 9 players in a squad, no running allowed! 

What are the benefits?
Most men and women over 50 do not take the recommended amount of exercise. Walking Football seems to provide the perfect exercise solution for people who enjoy the beautiful game. Keeping the mind busy with football, team play, scoring goals and socialising are the aims – and the benefits of lowering heart rates and blood pressure, increasing oxygen absorption, strengthening leg bones and increasing flexibility and endurance are very welcome by-products!
What do people say about it?

Alastair Thomas from Age UK urges everyone to get involved: - 

‘Think you’re too old for sport? Challenge yourself to think differently about walking football. It’s not a walk in the park yet still great exercise’

Sean Qualter, Community Recovery Coordinator for MYOX4 Lifeline Oxfordshire and Walking Football player said:- 

‘Walking football for me offers people the chance to socialise before during and after the session and is an excellent opportunity for people to catch up with old friend and also to make new ones in the latter stages of their lives. There’s a big wide world out there for the over 50’s!!’

The aim is simple: We want more people to enjoy football, while feeling the health benefits that come with it.

Time: Arrive from 10.30, football from 11am to 12pm 

Day: Saturdays – starting on 7th May

Venue: The Oxford Academy, Sandy Lane West, Oxford OX4 6JZ

To find out more about Walking Football or Generation Games’ other physical activity sessions across Oxfordshire contact:

01235 849403  Like Generation Games on Facebook and follow them on Twitter @genGamesuk!