Programme Subscriptions

Guarantee your copy with a programme subscription

Programme subscriptions for the forthcoming season are now available so you don't have to miss out on a copy of United's matchday souvenir.

The price for the programme has again been kept at £3.00 for the sixth season running and, despite increasing posting costs, subscription prices are largely unchanged.

With many unique articles and features unavailable elsewhere, the matchday programme represents excellent value for money and by taking out a subscription you guarantee your copy, whether or not you can make the game or the programme sells out on the day.

Subscribers to home programmes will receive their copy on the day of the game (post permitting) so you can read your copy on the way to the match. Home subscribers will also get a FREE subscription to our online programmes that you can read on your PC, laptop, ipad, smartphone or other device.

Download the subscription form HERE to make sure you receive the programme from every game or call programme editor Martin Brodetsky on 01865 337523 (or email for further details.