Appleton's Austrian Reflections

Head coach Michael Appleton reflects on a tough week away

United fly back to the UK later today after a week away in Austria at a training camp near Wiener Neustadt. It has been a week of hard work for the players, with Tuesday night’s 0-0 draw at their hosts just part of a tough schedule.

“I think we have got everything out of the week that we wanted,” Head Coach Michael Appleton told Yellow Player. 

“We certainly knew when we came here that the players were going to get through plenty of hard work. The sessions were carefully planned so the players got what was needed at this stage of pre-season.

“I thought the game was great as a work out and also a fantastic opportunity for the fans to come out here and see how serious we are and vice versa because the players got to see how serious the fans are about their club, so I thought there was a real bit of bonding there. Same thing with the open session and barbecue so we have definitely had everything you would have wanted out of a week like this.

“The players have one more tough session this morning and then we’ll fly home and look back on a good week’s work.”

See the full interview, plus fascinating interviews with new backroom boys Jonty Castle and Scott Daly, only in Yellow Player.