Health Checks for Fans

Football fans targeted in public health initiative

Oxfordshire County Council’s public health department has joined forces with Oxford United to promote the NHS Health Check scheme. Trained health care professionals offered mini-checks to supporters before last Saturday's game against Stevenage, with 113 fans, including CEO Mark Ashton, taking up the opportunity of getting their blood pressure and Body Mass Index (BMI) checked.

Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles (far right on the photo above, with Mark Ashton and Val Messenger, deputy director for public health), Oxfordshire County Council cabinet member for public health, and a keen Oxford United fan, said: “An NHS health check really can help you to live a longer and healthier life but too many people in Oxfordshire are passing up their chance to benefit from the scheme. We're very pleased that plenty of people stopped and took part in our mini-check, finding out about the full one at the same time.”
Commercial director Tony Davison said: “We’re delighted to be involved in an event which benefits the fans. These checks are ongoing, so if you missed out on Saturday there's still the opportunity to get yourself checked out.”

If you are interested in having a full NHS Health Check, contact your GP surgery to ask for more information. You can also find out more online at