Getting To Know You: Lauren Haynes

Getting To Know You: Lauren Haynes

We talk to United’s captain Lauren Haynes, who gives us the lowdown on her habits, career in football and future aspirations.

Position: Midfielder
DOB: 15/09/95

What item can you not live without?
“My water bottle, because I just drink squash all the time – I’m genuinely addicted to squash!”

If you were stuck on a desert island with one of your teammates, who would you pick to be with you?

“I’d say Gemma [Sims] because she’s a mum and I feel like she would look after me.”

Who’s your favourite music artist and why?
"J. Cole, just because I listened to his early music and I’ve always liked it. It’s something that I listen to every day, especially on a game day.”

And what genre of music has you reaching for the off switch?
“Well I love music! I’m going to have to say any sort of country music.”

Which footballer have you always looked up to?
“Frank Lampard – I’ve always loved the way he played, and now obviously he has gone into management. With the career he’s had, as a kid I always looked up to him and I wanted to play like how he did as a central midfielder.”

When did you play your first game?
“My earliest memory of football was when I was about six years old, when my brother played for a team. On the other side of the AstroTurf pitch was a boys’ team for my age group, and they literally just put me on the pitch – I used to play with my hair down – and was just told to keep the ball out of the net! I also made my professional debut at Bristol City under Mark Sampson, at 17 years old, against Arsenal and I played centre-back.”

Where do you see yourself in five years?
“Hopefully I’ll be working full time in football, continuing my teaching and football career.”

Have you ever thought about playing in a different position?
“Well I’m predominantly a centre-mid, but in my head I’m a number 10! Liam [Gilbert] just won’t play me there.”

Do you have any pre-game superstitions?
“I have a superstition for before training, which is where I must have a ham sandwich. I just like ham sandwiches, with loads of butter! Although I don’t have any superstitions for before a matchday; I’m usually quite focused and listen to music.”

Who’s the loudest in the dressing room?
“Chez [Cheryl Williams], Georgia Clifford and Amber Roberts for sure.”

And who is the first person you call after a game?
“If my dad isn’t there it would be him, but he comes to every game. Honestly I have a little catch up with my best friend called Dexter; we speak about the game and beforehand he always wishes me a good luck message, and I give him a debrief on the game.”

When you win the lottery, what’s the first thing that you will buy?
“I would buy a very expensive villa in a very hot country, I wouldn’t mind somewhere in Greece or Santorini, and then I’d probably sort my friends and family out a little bit.”

What activity is top of your bucket list?
“Probably to go to Las Vegas with my friends, and just spends loads and loads of money and have a really good time.”