Getting to Know You: Paris Sercombe

Getting to Know You: Paris Sercombe

In the latest instalment of our interview series, this week we get to know Oxford United Women's shot-stopper Paris Sercombe.

What item can you not live without?
“Probably my hair straighteners!”

If you were stuck on a desert island with one of your teammates, who would you pick to be with you?
“I would have to say Chez [Cheryl Williams] because she is so funny and I would always have a laugh with her, she’d be good company.”

Who’s your favourite music artist and why?
“Jessie J probably, I’ve really liked her ever since I was young really.”

And what genre of music has you reaching for the off switch?
“I’m not sure to be honest; I only really listen to RnB, pop, that sort of stuff.”

Which footballer have you always looked up to?
“Probably Lionel Messi, he’s the best in the world.”

When did you play your first game?
“I’ve been at the club since I was around nine years old, to be honest I can’t remember the first game that I played for the club.”

Where do you see yourself in five years?
“Hopefully still with Oxford; I’ve been here since I was young so I would never want to leave.”

Have you ever thought about playing in a different position?
“I’d love to play striker!”

Do you have any pre-game superstitions?
“Yeah, I usually have to put my right boot on before my left and my shoelaces have to be really tight.”

Who’s the loudest in the dressing room?
“Amber Roberts, she never really shuts up! She never stops moving as she’s constantly talking.”

And who is the first person you call after a game?
“Probably my mum, if she’s not there watching.”

When you win the lottery, what’s the first thing that you will buy?
“I would buy a mansion for my mum and dad to live in, maybe in Spain somewhere.”

What activity is top of your bucket list?“
It would have to be going to America to swim with dolphins; I’ve always wanted to do that ever since I was little.”