Women Go Through In National League Cup

Women Go Through In National League Cup

Oxford United Women made it back to back wins with a 2-1 win at Old Actonian Ladies to make it through to the next round of the National league Cup on Sunday.

Ellie Noble scored both goals to see United through and Manager Liam Gilbert told us

“It’s good to be in the next round of the cup and to make it back to back wins. Old Actonians battled hard and pushed us right until the end. The more I work with this group I am learning more about them as a individuals and as a team. We are nowhere near the finished article but we are winning games and the players are working hard trying to better themselves all the time.

“We were able to dominate possession again which is one of the things I asked the team to do, and look to play through a very stubborn defence. As the group gels together and starts to understand each other more we will be more effective with the ball. Which is to be expected when we are only three games into the new season.

“Ellie Noble scored two fantastic goals a free kick which she put in the top right corner in the first half and a strike from open play in the second half which again she put in the top right corner.

“I am looking forward to the next game, when finally we get to play in front of the Oxford fans for the first time this season. I know the players are really looking forward to playing in front of a home crowd. We have two tough games coming up in the space of four days against Watford and MK Dons.”

The Women have their first home game of the season when they play Watford on Saturday at Court Place Farm- kick off is 3pm.

Cox, Stroem (Roberts 53), Mobbs, Lynch (Colley 66), Bent, Noble, Baker, Fyfe, Allen (C), Walklett, Timms