Run The Cities Challenge In Oxford

Run the Cities

Tom Vosper is looking forward to visiting Oxford this Thursday for his Run the Cities challenge in aid of Prostate Cancer UK, a cause close to his heart.

It is part of a massive challenge to run ten kilometres in all 55 cities, commencing in Truro and then heading for Newcastle before ending their mammoth task in Norwich.

Tom will be running alongside his friends Alex, Ben, Jon, Nathan, and Sam, all to raise money to fund research against prostate cancer, helping those affected by the disease.

Ben Robins, a close friend of Tom and a key part of the group, told us: "We're six guys running 10k in every single city in England. 

"That's 55 cities, so 550km all in the space of two weeks. Our goal is to raise as much money as possible for Prostate Cancer UK and get all the local communities involved along the way. 

“We're centring this challenge around football clubs to both tap into that community spirit, and also as an ode to Tom's (the 'brains' behind the operation) Dad, who we sadly lost to cancer in 2017 - he was a massive football fan and had a dream to visit every single stadium in England before he passed.

“One man every 45 minutes die of prostate cancer - that's two gone every time you watch a match. It's so important to raise awareness and funds for research, so please give whatever you can, and join us in Oxford for our run, or simply for moral support!” 

You can join Tom and his team for the Oxford 10k run commencing from the Kassam Stadium on Thursday 19 September at 1:00pm. 

To donate to Tom’s Run the Cities challenge, visit the JustGiving HERE…

You can follow their journey over on their Instagram at @run_the_cities