Oxford United School Visits

This week, United’s stars Billy Bodin and Simon Eastwood visited two local schools to speak to the children about their life in football, the importance of reading during World Book Day, and to answer questions from the children.

Watch the video below to see how the lads tackled the questions thrown their way.

On Monday, Billy Bodin visited St John Fisher Catholic Primary School, to deliver a Question and Answer session during an assembly.

"As a youngster who loved football I always looked forward to when we got visits from footballers or athletes," United's Number 10 told us. "Hopefully I can pass on some knowledge and motivation so that they can grow up to become whatever they want."

Mr. Higgins, headteacher at St John Fisher said

"Billy was fantastic, it was great to hear his story and have the message of hard work and always playing with a smile on your face emphasised to the children. Oxford United Community are doing great work in the school and this was a fantastic way to build that bond further."

Then, on Tuesday, Simon Eastwood visited Tackley CE Primary School to share his wisdom from an excellent career between the sticks.

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"I’ve got two kids myself and it’s always great to see young boys and girls inspired by football." said the U's shot-stopper. "It’s a privilege to be able to pass on any knowledge we have and hopefully they can all take something away to go and succeed in whatever dreams they have."

Karen Ward, headteacher at Tackley School said

"The children of Tackley School were thrilled to meet Simon as he is a role model to so many of our children who support Oxford United.  Working with Premier League Primary Stars has reinvigorated our passion for sports, especially football at school."

A big thank you to Oxford United in the Community for setting these events up so that the future of Oxfordshire can continue to be inspired by the power of football.