Blue Light Day: The Round-Up

The U’s earned a last-gasp winner against Cheltenham Town thanks to Greg Leigh, on the club’s dedicated Blue Light Day. Here’s the Round-Up as we showed our support and appreciation for the public services of Oxfordshire:

Thames Valley Police 

Thames Valley Police’s Mounted Unit arrived with two police horses and a large Horse Box, with TVP bringing a Marked Mini, a Marked Vivaro Van, and two patrol cars. Supporters were able to have photos taken inside all the vehicles, as well as test out the blue lights, sirens, and an improvised battering ram! TVP were offering crime prevention advice, to help U’s supporters stay safe on the streets of Oxfordshire. 


South Central Ambulance Service  

South Central Ambulance had their education ambulance at the game for supporters to explore. Accompanied by 999 Ted, their fluffy SCAS mascot, the team on the day were also offering CPR and other emergency response demonstrations. 


Oxford Fire & Rescue Service 

The fire service had two fire engines and a fire bike on display. Members of their team were educating supporters on all the equipment housed inside a fire engine with young supporters able to pose for pictures throughout the afternoon. Expert fire safety and prevention advice was shared with supporters, young and old.  


The Army

The Army had numerous operational military vehicles on show, a bomb disposal robot, and a range of equipment they use on deployment from helmets to camouflage webbing.  


The Navy and The RAF 

The Navy and RAF Cadets were present to meet with supporters and offer the opportunity to explore some of the equipment. The Flag Bearers & Guard of Honour on the pitch were made up of members of the Local Cadets Forces – The Oxford Sea Cadets, Army Cadet Force (The Riles), and 2210 Cowley Squadron Air Cadets.  


Commander Andy Swain, who has been in the Royal Navy for 45 years, delivered the match ball to the referee ahead of kick-off.  

He was involved in both Gulf War 1 and Gulf War 2, when as the Captain of HMS ROEBUCK, he was awarded the MBE.  

The Waterloo Band, The Riles performed for an hour outside the South Stand, and in the stadium bowl leading up to kick-off. They also performed the National Anthem just before the game. 


Grundon Waste Military Truck 

We thank Grundon Waste Management for bringing their World War 1 Military Truck to the game on Saturday. They generously allowed supporters to pose for pictures inside the historic vehicle.  


Nuffield Health 

Nuffield Health, based in the Exhibition Bar, offered health and wellness activities for supporters. There were healthcare professionals, personal trainers, and other Nuffield staff, along with their very own Nuffy Bear. 


Oxford University Hospitals & Oxford Hospitals Charity  

Oxford University Hospitals, also based in the Exhibition Bar, were providing FREE blood pressure checks to supporters, offering general health advice, as well as an origami workshop for young U’s to make flowers ahead of Mothering Sunday.  


Blue Light Tickets 

Ticket promotions were running in conjunction with Blue Light Tickets to ensure many serving personnel could enjoy the football against Cheltenham. Representatives from Blue Light Tickets were in the Exhibition Bar engaging with Blue Light Card holders and supporters.  


We hope all supporters who attended the game had an enjoyable afternoon at the club’s Blue Light Day. We’d love to hear your thoughts, and invite you to submit your feedback through this link: