Andy Caton Moves On

Oxford United First Team physio Andy Caton will be leaving the club at the end of the season to concentrate on his own thriving business and spend more time with his family.

Andy has been with the U’s for four-and-a-half years, having joined from Crystal Palace to head up the Physio department with the Academy. Having stepped up to work with the First Team during the COVID pandemic, Andy has been a valued part of the Medical Team and as he told us, moving on has been a very difficult decision.

“It’s one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever had to make. My family has huge connections with Oxford United and I have loved working with Amy Cranston and the medical team. They are incredible people and the club is in very very good hands.

“At the same time I have had my own clinic which is growing and taking up more of my time, and with a young family I want to spend more time with them as well: they have to be my priority. Football is a fantastic thing to be involved in but it can be all-consuming, you are working long hours, seven days a week so I just need to get the balance right.

“I’ll still be around the club and involved in sport around Oxford so I’m not going too far and will still have strong connections, I’m sure, but it feels like a good time to move on. I want to thank the club for the wonderful opportunity and I know it will go from strength to strength.”

The Caton Clinic is available for everyone, from professional athletes to those with daily aches and pains. You can find out more and see how they can help you here:
