U's Visit Parliament

Oxford United were pleased to accept an invitation from MP Anneliese Dodds to attend a Parliamentary Reception on Wednesday evening to discuss the ‘fan-led football review’

The club’s plans for a new home, close work with the community of Oxfordshire and thriving Academy and Women’s football elements make it a great case study for the review and CEO Tim Williams and Women’s General Manager Gemma Simms both gave passionate speeches on the club’s current situation and plans for the future.

Along with MPs, the Football Supporters' Association, OxVox and the OUSP were also in attendance to meet with club staff including Chairman Grant Ferguson, Head Coach Liam Manning, captain Elliott Moore and Head of Academy Stevie Kinniburgh.

The club thank Anneliese for the invitation and wish to thank everyone who came along to such a prestigious location for what proved to be an informative and entertaining evening.