Community Week of Action - Day 5

Today is the fifth and final day of the EFL’s Week of Action which shines a light on the life changing work of professional clubs and charitable trusts across England and Wales.

As Oxford United’s official charity, Oxford United in the Community exists to inspire happier, healthier and better-connected communities across the county by harnessing the power of football and the club badge.

So far this week, we’ve heard from the team behind the popular Manor Club for the Over 50s and learnt how refugees seeking asylum are developing new skills and connections with the charity’s support.

We’ve also met the coaches behind Oxford United in the Community’s operation and witnessed the impact of its all-new disability football sessions.

To round off the week, we caught up with Lead Community Coach Rob Porter.

Rob joined Oxford United in the Community as a casual coach in 2017 and turned full-time at the beginning of this year.

One key aspect of Rob’s work is delivering a football-based rehabilitation programme in partnership with HMP Bullingdon. The Twinning Project helps to upskill and educate prisoners prior to their release via a multi-week programme which ends in participants receiving an FA Level One coaching qualification.

Graduates of the programme this year have already sourced employment in football, with Rob explaining the ultimate aim of the Twinning Project is to reduce reoffending rates while boosting life skills and employability.

“Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to reach their true potential,” said Rob.

“Before joining Oxford United in the Community, I had never entered a prison environment in my life – let alone coach current prisoners who demonstrated a genuine enthusiasm to make positive changes for their futures.

“At first, there was some hesitancy. But I can confidently say our work in partnership with HMP Bullingdon is now one of the most enjoyable aspects of my working week as a community coach.

“Our work with HMP Bullingdon and the Twinning Project is providing skills to participants so when they return to the real world they can have a positive impact on other people and themselves.

“Prisoners spend a long time in their cells, and options for exercise and fresh air are limited. Providing them with this opportunity to shape their lives for the better is really positive and an aspect of our work we are especially proud of.”

Born and raised in Oxford, Rob is also responsible for Oxford United in the Community’s coach recruitment and development plus Premier League Primary Stars.

He also works on the charity’s paid-for provisions including its Holiday Camp, Skill Centre, After-School Club and Development Centre sessions where all funds raised are reinvested back into other community projects and programmes.

Rob added: “It’s an exciting time to be directly involved as Lead Community Coach.

“We’re upscaling our operation with a view to delivering more programmes in more areas across Oxfordshire so we can positively impact the lives of as many people possible.

“It’s been particularly pleasing to launch our Girls Only Holiday Camps this year. I’m a big believer in equal opportunity and to provide girls with the same opportunities as boys regarding our holiday camp delivery is a great step in the right direction.

“My colleagues and I see every day the positive impact the Oxford United badge and our work has on people of all backgrounds across the county. The EFL’s Week of Action has provided a great opportunity to showcase this work and we hope to continue engaging with plenty of familiar – and new – faces through our programmes and courses.”

Book onto our programmes:

You can see a full list of available Oxford United in the Community programmes and book online HERE < Football Courses in Oxfordshire | Oxford United in the Community (>. Remember, choosing one of our programmes means you are directly supporting our community initiatives across the County, as well as being part of the pathway into the Academy!

Support our work:

If you would like to support the work we are doing in the Community, you can make a one off donation, or set up a monthly donation of an amount of your choosing easily through our donation platform Enthuse. Click HERE to make a donation.

Remember, every donation helps us to continue with our programmes and supports our effort to expand our impact across the County as part of our Oxfordshire – A Community United strategy.

100 fans giving just £2 a month would allow us to fund our disability programme for a whole year*.
500 fans doing the same would allow us to expand the programme in 5 partner towns across the County*.
1000 fans would allow us to fund more than 600 places on our holiday camp and skill centre programmes, giving 5-13 year olds and their families access to physical and group activities that may otherwise be inaccessible to them*.
Thank you for your support.

Work for us:

Feeling inspired and interested in working for Oxford United in the Community? We have a current vacancy for an Operations Administrator. You can read more and apply HERE.

*Indicative examples only