Andy Caton Supporting a Great Cause

Oxford United Men’s First Team Physiotherapist Andy Caton will be pushing himself to the limit this month as he raises awareness and funds for Action on Post-Partum Psychosis (APP).

It’s a cause close to Andy’s heart after friend Alex Baish took her own life after a short but intense battle with post-partum psychosis 

Post-partum psychosis is a severe but treatable form of mental illness that occurs after having a baby and affects 1,400 new mums in the UK each year.

Andy will join Alex’s husband Rich and a group of friends to cycle from Glasgow, where Alex’s mum Janet was born, down to Henry Box School in Witney, where she went to school and worked as a Maths teacher for twelve years.

The journey is  475 miles over five days, almost 100 miles a day, and Andy told us

“None of us are cyclists and training has been hard,but so what? We are there to support Rich, and to highlight what APP do. We have had an amazing response already and over £36,000 has been donated. That’s a wonderful effort and is hopefully going to be in our minds when the going gets tough during the journey.

“Oxford fans were amazing when Rich came in and did an interview about this during the season and now it’s time to turn all the planning into actually doing the journey.”

You can donate to this great cause here:

See Rich talking about the cause here

Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) is the only UK charity dedicated to supporting women and families affected by postpartum psychosis. It is run by a fantastic team of people with personal experience, academic researchers and expert health professionals.. You can find out more here: