Stadium Decision Reaction

Oxford United welcome yesterday’s decision by the County Council to move forward with negotiations regarding a new permanent home for the club at Frieze Way.

Chairman Grant Ferguson said:

“We are delighted with the decision taken yesterday and feel it is a significant step forward. In particular, the passion with which people spoke in favour of the new stadium development was truly humbling and reconfirmed that this project is more than football, it is truly about the whole Oxfordshire community.

“We thank those who spoke and we also thank the Council for agreeing to take the project to the next stage. A lot of effort has gone in to reaching this stage but we are under no illusions that the real hard work begins now. We will be moving swiftly to answer the justifiable questions the Council need answering as well as working with the local community, with our own fans and with a huge number of people to make sure that the new stadium is what we all dream of. We will provide a further update in the coming days and we continue in our commitment to be open and transparent in everything we do.
“Yesterday underlined how much this football club means to people and now we have to repay that trust by delivering what we have always promised: a fitting stadium that the whole of Oxfordshire can be proud of and truly call home.”