Academy Loan Watch

As many of our scholars are out on loan getting men’s football experience, here’s a roundup of how the young U’s are getting on.

Head of Academy Player Care Eddie Odhiambo has been impressed with the young U’s:

“I’ve been in regular contact with all the managers at the respective clubs and so far they are pleased with the contribution from our loan players and are already inquiring about next season and creating stronger bonds for future.

“The important thing for us as a club is getting our boys experience at the right time and at the right standard for their development.

“We’ve had staff going to watch the boys in various games and we place a lot of importance on analysing and following their development whilst at loan clubs. We’ve been very impressed when watching the lads and how they’ve got on so far.

Eddie told us:

Aidan Elliott-Wheeler – Banbury United
The tenacious winger has taken the opportunities given to him well. He started on the bench and was given the chance to come on, and since has played 90 minutes in every game. Banbury are unbeaten in the four games since he joined and has played more than expected because of his attitude and application he’s shown. This has been rounded off with a Man of the Match performance on Monday against Peterborough Sports.

Erion Zabeli – Salisbury
Another of United’s scholars who have played more than expected because of their level of performance. Zabeli is having to play in a young team and showing leadership at centre back, helping the side to some good results whilst being there and is testing himself at a good level.

Fraser Barnsley – Evesham
In his second spell at Evesham, Barnsley has returned as a bigger, more confident, and experienced keeper, and they’ve reaped the benefits. Unfortunately, he was forced to miss a few games with concussion protocols, but has been starting when fit and will return for their play-off push.

Ibby Sankoh – Evesham
Ibby is also at Evesham and has contributed well to the last few games. Sankoh is inexperienced himself but is adapting to the level and improving with game time.

Will Owens – Evesham
Another of United’s scholars at Evesham, Owens has become a consistent performer with his attacking qualities and is now fundamental to the way that they play.

Eddie Brearey – St Ives Town
Recently joined St Ives Town and has started really well. Despite missing some games out with injury, Brearey is looking to come back to finish the end of the season starting this week.

Kie Plumley – Beaconsfield
Plumley has become very important for Beaconsfield after their new manager re-signed him, installed him as number one and there has been a significant upturn in results since.