Loan Stars Depart

Oxford United boss Karl Robinson has thanked the four loan players who have played a big part in Oxford United’s season.

Gavin Whyte, Nathan Holland, Herbie Kane and Ciaron Brown all played significant roles in the U’s’ campaign and Karl was quick to praise their efforts

“It’s not always easy to go into a club and be part of things but all four of them very quickly bought into the way we do things and the work ethic that we demand. Gav and Nathan had been here before and that helped them settle in but Herbie and Ciaron were part of the group straight away and I want to thank all four of them for the way they played and the way they conducted themselves.

“They go back to their clubs now but I am sure the fans will also want to thank them for all they gave us through a long, tough season.”

Gavin goes back to Cardiff City and told us:

“I want to say a massive thank you to the Manager, Coaching staff, players and the fans for letting me be part of the team again. It was a tough season but I enjoyed being part of it. It’s a very special club and I want to wish everyone all the very best.”

Ciaron also returns to Cardiff and echoed Gavin’s sentiments:

“I was made to feel at home straight away and it was a pleasure to be part of the team and to play for the fans who were incredible. I loved the experience, enjoyed my football, and have lots of great memories from my time there.”

Herbie returns to Barnsley after a season with the U’s and was another to enjoy his time with the U’s.

“I really enjoyed the season” he told us “but obviously not the way it all ended. That was gutting for all of us but I know the players will be determined to make up for that next year. I want to thank the Gaffer and all of the staff. It’s a great set up and they deserve success, as do the fans.”

Nathan meanwhile will return to parent club West Ham and like his fellow loanees had nothing but good things to say about his second spell with the U’s.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed both spells at the club. The first time was great but you can see the progress they are making all the time and how the club is set up for the future. Promotion was the aim and we fell just short of that but all of us involved will learn from the experience, painful as it was. It was an honour to wear the yellow shirt again and I want to thank everyone and wish the whole club the best for the future.”