Scholars Study Oxford

Oxford’s latest scholars got a taste of Oxford yesterday as United’s new Academy players were introduced to the city.

The first and second year scholars took a break from pre-season at the Bangkok Glass Training Ground to take part in an ‘Outdoors Escape Room’ in the city centre where they had problems to solve and activities to complete which took them around the famous landmarks of the city.


“It was a great way to introduce them to the city” Academy Manager Dan Harris told us. “Many of them are local lads but it does no harm to remind them what a fantastic city they represent, and others have joined us from further afield so this was a nice way to get them active and looking at Oxford as more than just the place they play football.

“Luis Ferreira our PDP Sports Therapist deserves all the credit for organising it, and after we had finished we had a quiz where a lot of questions were about the history of Oxford United: again, that’s important for our young players to know about the players and games that shaped the club.

“Pre-season has been excellent and there has been a lot of hard work but this was a great way to break things up, do something different, and get ready for our first game of the summer against Woking on Saturday.”
