Karl Robinson Likely To Miss Shrewsbury Game

Oxford United Manager Karl Robinson is likely to be missing from the dugout tonight while he waits for the results of a PCR test for covid-19.

Following a positive lateral flow test Karl completed a PCR test. If that is positive then he would need to self-isolate for ten days.

As a precaution he will most likely be missing from the game at home to Shrewsbury this evening; should results come back quicker than expected and be negative then he could be at the game as usual.

As it stands, Craig Short and John Mousinho will be in charge this evening.

Karl told us

“I am obviously hoping for the best but we will always do the right thing and will not take risks with people’s health. At the same time it does show that we are doing things absolutely correctly and that we have very strong systems in place at the club.

“Amy Cranston our Head of Medical is doing an outstanding job and we will continue to follow all the rules, as we have done throughout this pandemic.”