Spaces Available For Oxford United In The Community’s June Half-Term Camp

Children wishing to develop new skills are being invited to attend Oxford United in the Community’s COVID-19 secure June half-term holiday camp.

The four-day camp, which will take place at The Oxford Academy between Tuesday, June 1st, and Friday, June 4th (9am – 3pm), will be packed with fun activities and suitable for children aged 4 to 13.

The programme teaches new football skills and techniques while focusing on the development of agility, balance and coordination. The emphasis is on the comfort, enjoyment and safety of all children.

Chris Lowes, Head of Oxford United in the Community, said: “It is great to be able to deliver more programmes as COVID-19 restrictions continue to ease.

“We delivered two brilliant Easter camps to children in Oxfordshire and are looking forward to returning next month. The programmes are a great way for children to develop their skills in a fun and nurturing environment.

“As always, the safety of children and their parents or carers will come first, and we will continue to follow strict COVIDI-19 protocols. Unfortunately, this does mean spaces for our half-term camps are still limited and available on a first come first served basis only.”

All Oxford United in the Community coaches are FA qualified and have up to date safeguarding, first aid training and CRC checks.

Children are required to bring their own football kit, including shin-pads, boots, trainers plus lunch and drinks. Plenty of fluids is essential for children as the weather warms up.

Chris added: “As the country gradually eases itself out of lockdown restrictions, there has never been a more important time to get outdoors and be active.

“Our sessions are designed to keep children active and provide a boost to their wellbeing through the power of football-based challenges that encourage skills including teamwork, communication and taking on challenges.

“Because spaces are limited, we would advise all parents to book via OUitC’s website in advance. Response to the sessions has so far been great and we look forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks’ time.”

Oxford United in the Community is the football club’s official charity and helps inspire people to live happier and healthier lives in better connected communities using the power of football. Last year, the charity engaged with over 2,500 people in Oxfordshire.

To book on to one of Oxford United in the Community’s holiday camp, please visit: JUNE HALF TERM CAMPS | Events | Oxford United in the Community (