Academy Vacancies

The Oxford United Academy is currently recruiting for three positions for the new season.

The Academy, based at the Oxford Sports Park, is looking for a new Head of Medical, Lead Professional Development Phase Coach and a Physiotherapist

All are full time roles and the full job descriptions can be found below

Academy Head of Medical 2021.pdf

Academy Physiotherapy Job Description.pdf

Oxford United Lead Professional Development Phase Coach - Job description.pdf

Oxford United Football Club is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to equality of opportunity within our own organisation, and to encourage a similar commitment from every other organisation we deal with.

All candidates will be required to provide proof of all relevant certificates and qualifications and these posts will  also be subject to an enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service.

BAME Declaration
The EFL and Premier League have introduced positive action measures aimed at tackling the under-representation of coaches, managers and staff from Black, Asian and Minority Ethic (BAME) backgrounds within professional football. Here at Oxford United we are committed to exceeding these new requirements and, as a result, will shortlist at least one suitably qualified BAME candidate (where an application has been received) for all full-time roles within our Academy.

OUFC will be interviewing on application for suitable candidates and reserve the right to close the application window at any time