Karl Robinson Previews Hull City Away

Oxford United, fresh from a derby win over Swindon Town, now get the chance to test themselves against league leaders Hull City on Saturday (3pm)

“There is still a buzz around the building at a job well done on Tuesday” Karl Robinson told iFollow today. “The players knew what it meant to the fans, especially after the flak we got for losing the game at our place. We all realised how much it meant and we got the job done. So we have just won a derby day and now we have to take the emotion away, disconnect from that game but show the same passion on Saturday at Hull.

“We didn’t build Tuesday up as a derby, we built it around a chance to close the gap on the top six and we did that. We are on the coat tails of those six clubs at the top now and we have to get even closer. There was no better way to start that than by winning the local derby but we know how hard it is going to be at Hull.

“I think they are the best team in the league- I think three teams have been a little bit above the rest so far and Hull have been one of them. So we know how hard it is going to be and our injury list got even worse on Tuesday with a couple of players getting knocks and doubtful for Saturday to add to an already long list.

“But we will see what materialises. The pitch on Tuesday was difficult- nobody’s fault- it was always going to take it out of us and there were always going to be strong challenges and the risk of injuries.

“But we are ready. We have two big days leading up to it. Strangely we were all really low as a staff yesterday, so tired after the emotion of Tuesday’s game, but then you come into the Training Ground and the energy levels are back up, everyone is getting ready for the next game, at a great ground to go and play at, and the excitement is certainly there again.”

See the full interview including why the U’s wore white and what happened to the huddle, all in iFollow where Match Passes are available right now. Don’t miss out. Log in on Saturday as the U’s try to tame the Tigers.