Josh Ruffels Leaves Oxford United

Oxford United would like to wish Josh Ruffels good luck as he leaves the U’s.

Josh today agreed to join Huddersfield Town after over 300 games for the U’s, his hometown club, having signed at the Kassam Stadium back in 2013.

Karl Robinson said:

“It’s sad to see him go, he has been a wonderful servant to the club and he is a fantastic young man who we all have enormous respect for. I know it was a tough decision for him, we have been very open with each other all along, but all we can do is wish him well and thank him for everything he has done for this football club.”

Josh told us

“It’s an exciting challenge and I am looking forward to testing myself at Huddersfield. At the same time I want to thank everyone at Oxford United for the last few years.

"There have been so many great memories. I leave on good terms with everyone behind the scenes and will miss working with them all but my biggest thanks have to be for the fans who have been incredible. I am sure the club is on the right path to bring them the success they deserve.”

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