U's Back Military Supporters Group

Oxford United are pleased to support a very special new Supporters Group.

The U’s have always been hugely supportive of our Armed Forces, working with them on very successful Military Days and special events.

When fan Andy Wilmer approached us about setting up a new Armed Forces and Veteran Supporters group we were more than happy to help and over thr next few weeks the group will start to take shape, as Andy told us:

“It’s something I have been thinking about for a while. I am proud to have served my country and wherever I went in the world I always had my Oxford shirt with me: having that connection with your football club is so important and I am sure there are plenty more fans out there who are either serving or who have served their country.

“In times like this I know people like to feel connected and be part of things and so the new group will just allow us all to talk about our football club, wherever we are. It may be a whatsapp group to start with, maybe something more formal as we build things up, but the first stage was to ask the club what they thought and, of course, they were happy to try and help us set it up: that’s typical of the great work the club is doing with so many parts of the community.

“We will work with the club and are already discussing regular meetings, ticket offers, future Military days and so much more. But it can be whatever the members of the group want really.

"The first thing is to see how many people are interested. I have been on social media and the reaction has been encouraging so far so let’s try and make it happen and make it something we are proud to belong to.”

If you would like to be part of the group then take a look at what Andy is doing on Twitter @andywilmer or email him on andywilmer@live.co.uk