Textures Flooring Join the Oxford Hospitals Christmas Appeal

We are always in awe of supporters’ generosity at this time of year and we would like to thank everyone who has donated to the Oxford Hospitals appeal after last week’s announcement that the U’s were supporting this great cause.

With Covid restrictions in place, we are unable to make our annual visit to the Children’s Hospital to see the patients and staff but players, staff and fans have all donated online and over £1,500 has now been added to the collection.

Our friends at Textures Flooring heard about this and joined in straight away.

Textures Flooring are the club’s permanent sponsor of the Ball Plinth this season.

Wrapped in prominent Textures Flooring branding, the ball plinth has been the centrepiece for the arrival of both teams just before kick-off, with the referee taking the ball from the plinth as the players are led out from the changing rooms.

Textures have kindly chosen to rewrap the plinth for the Children’s Hospital for the remainder of the season – look out for its debut at the Wigan game.

We thank Textures Flooring and would love to hear anyone else with ideas on how their business can support our local hospitals this Christmas.

And if you would like to make a small donation yourself then all you need to do is CLICK HERE. It will take you less than a minute and will raise a smile at an Oxford hospital this Christmas.


Textures Flooring, who sponsor substitutions and the ball plinth, are suppliers of a vast range of flooring solutions to meet all your architectural needs. From wooden to natural flooring, and carpets to vinyl tiles, Textures Flooring invite all U’s fans to visit their convenient showroom in Summertown, Oxford for your flooring requirements.

The local flooring company have a cumulative experience of over 50 years in the flooring industry, with a dedicated and welcoming team that will ensure an excellent customer service experience is enjoyed throughout your flooring project.

For more information on how Textures Flooring can support your flooring projects, both in selection and installation of your flooring, visit their showroom at 195 Banbury Road, Summertown, Oxford, OX2 7AR, or give them a call on 01865 311 807.

Follow Textures Flooring on social - @TexturesFloor on Twitter, @TexturesFlooringOxford on Facebook, and @texturesflooring on Instagram