U's Agree Stadium Catering Deal

Oxford United are delighted to announce that the club has secured the public catering rights at the Kassam Stadium and will be working with fan groups and with Farrs Catering to enhance the catering options.

It follows a historic new agreement between the club and Firoka, which gives the club the rights for the catering and concessions within the stadium concourses, the first time that has happened for many years.

Managing Director Niall McWilliams explained:

“Ever since the football club became separate from the stadium we have missed out on an important revenue stream from the food and beverages within the ground. We want people to enjoy the whole matchday experience; come to the game early and have a drink and something to eat with friends at the ground rather than rushing into their seats at the last possible moment.

“We want to thank Firoz Kassam and Firoka. We talked it through, were very open and we have come to an agreement so that club is responsible for the concourses and therefore receives a healthy share of the money spent.

“That was the first bit of good news and then we sat down with Bailey Farr and tried to find a solution that works for all of us. Bailey was already supplying the food and drink and has a great relationship with the fans so we want to work with him and find a way to enhance the catering and that whole matchday experience.

“We need to be up front about it. This is a massive step forward for the club in terms of revenue and we would love fans to back it and come back to using the concourses again. But we also know that covid has changed everything about going to football so we are asking for help as we make this transition.

“We will work with the new Fans Council, we welcome feedback to our SLO Andy Taylor on what people would like to happen with the menu and food and drink options, and we ask for a little patience. The next home game is in less than three days, we anticipate a big crowd and it is going to be a challenge to get things right first time.

“But we will get it right, with the help of our fans, and it feels like this is a massive step in the right direction for the football club.”

If you have ideas or thoughts on stadium catering email feedback@oufc.co.uk