This Week's Mental Health Tips

Each week through this unprecedented time we have been asking Club Psychotherapist Gary Bloom to give us five suggestions to help us all get through the stress of being away from our usual routines.

Oxford United pride ourselves on helping push forward for good mental as well as physical health and this week Gary's tips are:

1) Go through your phone book. Is there anybody living on their own who you haven’t spoken to ( and would be glad to hear from you). Phone them.
2) Suppress your cravings. Lockdown means that you can be tempted to overeat or drink.
Research has shown that a craving for food or drink lasts about 15-20 mins. You don’t have to give in to that craving immediately.
3) Hydrate. Drink lots of water. It keeps us healthy. Cut back on that extra coffee or tea because they cause loss of water.
4) Prepare for a return to work.
If you’re employed, return to your normal sleeping routine/ meal times. It’s coming!
5) If you are feeling anxious or low try a food supplement called Tumeric. It has many health benefits and is a a natural anti-depressant.

Stay safe everyone and look after each other.