Fans To Walk To Wycombe

A group of Oxford fans will be putting their best feet forward when we travel to Wycombe Wanderers on March 21st.

Fans will be walking from the Kassam Stadium to Adams Park to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK.
Too many men are needlessly dying of prostate cancer. The latest data shows that the number of men dying each year has gone up (again): 12,000 men died of prostate cancer in one year. Most of these men died because their prostate cancer was not detected early enough.
By 2030, prostate cancer will be the most common of all cancers. That is only 10 years away, which means we’re on a countdown and we need to be ready. The futures of thousands of men across the UK depend on what we do in the next few years and that inspired the group of five Oxford fans, as Daniel Webb told us:
“We are doing the walk as it something we feel strongly about because we have experienced what Prostate Cancer does through family members or friends. It would be great if fans could help us on our way with any kind of donation…”
It’s a great cause and we’d like to thank Wycombe Wanderers for offering tickets to the group as both clubs support the walk.
If you would like to add your support then click here: