Community Activities

Can you score a wonder strike like Matty Taylor? Or make a crunching last-ditch tackle that matches the defensive work rate of Rob Dickie? If the answer is yes, Oxford United in the Community wants to know about it.

As part of the charity’s approach to helping people throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, the team have lined up a series of online challenges that football-mad youngsters across Oxfordshire will be able to try and beat while they stay at home to prevent the virus spreading.
Oxford United in the Community have released the first of multiple videos via its social media platforms with other challenges scheduled for Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Tasks will range from challenging footballers to showcase their best skills with the ball to performing their best goal celebration.
Videos will also practice the key messages of advice from Prime Minister Boris Johnson concerning how to best protect others around you during the COVID-19 crisis, including examples of how to distance yourself socially while remaining active.
The charity’s move to publish challenges online comes after schools across Oxfordshire that remain open to children of key workers were offered free coaching sessions.
Chris Lowes, head of Oxford United in the Community, said: “COVID-19 has impacted everyone’s day to day routines. To help prevent the spread of the virus, many people are currently restricted when it comes to their movement and ability to get out of the house.
“Because of this, we have decided to try and inject some fun into the afternoons of those youngsters hit by not only the closure of schools, but also our sessions.
“We have been overwhelmed by the response to free coaching sessions offer and I’m grateful to our team who haven’t allowed the crisis to hold them back in their pursuit to deliver the right messages to the thousands of people we serve in the local community each year.
“Where possible, it is important people continue to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Our videos are designed to encourage people to keep fit and raise morale during this difficult time. We’re encouraging creativity so long as you follow the rules of each challenge and remember to tag us on social media with your attempts. So, if you think you can find the back of the net like James Henry or make a penalty save that would shadow Simon Eastwood, watch this space.”
Oxford United in the Community is the football club’s official charity and helps inspire youngsters to reach their potential and improve their health and wellbeing via the power of football, engagement and education.
To view the videos and get involved with the charity’s work on social media, follow @OUFCcommunity on Twitter or Instagram where updates will be posted at midday every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The hastag to use if you get involved in the challenges is #OUITCommunityChallenge