Up And Running

Oxford United took the first tentative steps back today as the squad reported to the Training Ground for organised group training for the first time since Lockdown.

The players were split in to groups of five with each group given 75 minute training times throughout the day, starting at 8.30am and all under the watchful eye of Head Coach Karl Robinson.

Having all tested negative for Covid-19 at the weekend the players and staff were tested again on arrival at the Training Ground and are required to monitor their temperature and any new symptoms before they are allowed to report.

The players arrived in their kit and were safely distanced throughout with each group departing before the next reported and all equipment sanitised and cleaned throughout the sessions.

Karl told us:

“It was so good to see everyone together again wearing their training kit and ready to work as hard as ever to make sure we are ready and in the best physical shape we can be.

"There is also a boost just by getting a little bit of our usual routine back. They worked very hard today and look in really good shape so it has been a productive exercise and we hope the rest of the week is just as positive.”