REACTION: Robinson on Doncaster

Defeat at Doncaster couldn’t take the shine of an excellent Christmas for Oxford United who ended up with nine points from a possible twelve after the festive period,

Boss Karl Robinson was left disappointed at Doncaster but told iFollow that he couldn’t really fault the attitude of the players over the last two weeks.
“First and foremost thank you to the fans who travelled down” he said. “Anyone who wasn’t here will see the result and ask what happened. Well we hit the post and bar and had two cleared off the line, literally hitting their backside when it was going in and then dropping to the wrong side of us. You get days like that over the course of a season. 
“If I am being critical then I thought there was a ten minute spell in the middle of the first half where we were a little bit disrespectful to the game but for the other 80 minutes we were sensational. We moved the ball, caused them many problems and I think over the four Christmas games it was the most that we have dominated a team but we come away from it with nothing. That’s frustrating but my players couldn’t have given me any more today.
“Without a defeatist mentality if you had offered us nine points from twelve over Christmas and fourth in the league anyone would have taken it. We started in seventh or eight and we end it with a game in hand against Ipswich which if we win it then we can go back into that top two. We play the team in second next week so it is going to be a very interesting couple of weeks and we need players
“Why waste this opportunity? The Board are supportive of that and everyone is working their socks off. I’m expecting to get Ben Woodburn sorted out in the next 48 hours and we are hoping for someone for the middle of the park because Cameron Brannagan is a big miss for us short term and there are one or two things we need to be better at. I know 100% what they are and am quite clear in my messages to everybody. That was the message from Tiger too: don’t waste what we have done in the first half of the season and let’s kick on from where we are right now.”
See the full interview and Highlights in iFollow