Getting To Know You: Georgia Timms

In the first instalment of our new ‘Getting To Know’ series, we have a chat with Oxford United Women’s Georgia Timms.

Position: Forward
DOB: 24/04/1998
What item can you not live without?
“My mobile phone - I love looking though stuff on social media, but also to contact my family as I’m originally from the Cotswolds and I moved here when I was 16 for the football.”  
If you were stuck on a desert island with one of your teammates, who would you pick to be with you?
“Probably Sophie Baker; she literally knows everything! She’s so funny so she’d keep me company, and you could ask her anything as she’s very intelligent.”
Who’s your favourite music artist and why?
“Nicki Minaj because I’m quite good at rapping some of her songs I’d say.” 
And what genre of music has you reaching for the off switch?
“Probably some pop and dance music to be honest, although I quite like anything.”
What footballer have you always looked up to?
“I’d have to say Didier Drogba, obviously with me being a Chelsea fan and being a striker myself I’ve always looked up to him to be honest. He used to bang in goals for fun!”
When did you play your first game?
“I think I was 15 years old and it was in the WSL2 against Doncaster, because I came on at centre-mid and had to mark Sue Smith, who’s a pundit now. I remember marking her and thinking this is crazy.”
Where do you see yourself in five years?
“Hopefully with Oxford going up the leagues. I’ve been with this club so many years that I wouldn’t want to leave.”
Have you ever thought about playing in a different position?
“If I’m honest, and this is not a joke, I’ve played in every position apart from goalkeeper!” 
Do you have any pre-game superstitions?
“Yes, I do. I’m really funny about my shin pads. I have to pre-wrap them and make sure they are tight, and if they’re not tight then that’s it. If I don’t feel right, if my boots don’t feel tight enough, then I’m going to have a bad game. That’s a weird one for me, but I’ve always been like that.” 
Who’s the loudest in the dressing room?
“Probably Amber [Roberts], Loz [Lauren Haynes] or Chez [Cheryl Williams] – they’re all great characters.”
And who is the first person you call after a game?
“Usually it’s my dad, but if he’s not there then it will be my little brothers.”
When you win the lottery, what’s the first thing that you will buy?
“I think the first thing that I would buy is a house abroad for my friends and family. If I had to choose the country, it would probably be Turkey.”
What activity is top of your bucket list?
“I’d love to go to America, to go to Disneyland in Orlando - that’s just one thing that I’d absolutely love to do. Going with loads of friends, it would be amazing out there. To be fair, I’d just love to travel; pretty much my whole family has done that in the past.” 
See Georgia in action when Oxford United Women take on Oxford City in the Oxfordshire FA Women’s Cup semi-final at Court Place Farm (OX3 0NQ) on 16th February.