Oxford United Fans Help Raise £2,000 for Oxford Hospitals

We want to thank every fan who has helped us make this year's appeal for the Oxford Hospitals Charity an overwhelming success.

This year, for obvious reasons, the players' annual visit to the Childrens Hospital can’t happen so  the players donated £500 to Oxford Hospitals Charity’s ‘Give a Virtual Gift’ campaign instead and that was matched by Tiger and the Board.

Then we asked fans to join us and we are proud to announce that the total has now passed the £1,000 from the club, meaning over £2,000 has gone to help Oxford hospitals this Christmas.

We thank every single person who has helped us achieve that. Times are hard right now and that is an amazing total.

You can still make a donation and it will fund a toy for a child, a gift for an older patient or support one of the many transformative projects the charity is working on to make Oxfordshire hospitals more comfortable and welcoming for patients - not just at the Children’s Hospital.

So one final appeal: help us make a world of difference this Christmas. Just add ‘Oxford United’ in the Comments page when you donate and we’ll track it and see how much we can raise for this brilliant cause.

To see how your virtual gift can make a difference across Oxford’s hospitals please visit
www.hospitalcharity.co.uk/giveagift or call 01865 743 444.

Donations will help the John Radcliffe, Churchill, Nuffield Orthopedic Centre, Horton General Hospital and Oxford Children’s Hospital.

You can make a donation online today at www.hospitalcharity.co.uk/giveagift

Picture: Oxford Hospitals Charity / Tom Capon