Online Mental Health Course- Free Places Available

Oxford United are proud to be leading the way in supporting good mental health at this difficult time for us all and everyone at the club is playing their part in helping the local community.

That includes Head Coach Karl Robinson’s wife Ann Marie who many fans will know runs a very successful company with partner Sheila Lord that facilitates Health and Wellbeing courses

They want to help raise awareness and help train people who are perhaps having to deal with more stress than usual and so they are offering ten FREE places on a special online Mental Health Aware Course which they are running this Friday, May 1st.

The course is a MHFA England Adult Mental Health Aware Course –  a 4 hour course which is usually £125pp plus VAT.

The half day course is an introduction to mental health and mental health issues and is an awareness course intended to introduce mental health to the general public.

The aim of the course is to enable you to increase your knowledge in:

  • Mental health and mental health issues
  • Factors affecting mental health
  • Stigma and its impact on recovery
  • Beginning a conversation with someone about their mental health
  • Looking after your own mental health

Start Time will be 9:30am, finish 1:30pm

Ann Marie told us

“We see the great ways that the club is helping everyone at the moment and as an organisation Sheila and I feel that this is something we can give to support people. It’s not football specific in any way, it’s a course designed to help people identify the need for good mental health and deal with those around them, especially at this time.

“It’s an online version and then, when we can, we hope to offer our more usual version where people can come in and enjoy the course in person.”

Demand is sure to be high for this course. Please remember before booking that the course is not a way of passing four hours during lockdown, it is for people who will genuinely benefit from it and hopefully be able to use it to help those around them.

If you are interested then email HERE to apply.