Happy Milk Cup Day

Happy Milk Cup Day everyone.

34 years ago today Oxford United travelled to Wembley to take on Jim Smith's QPR in the final of the Milk Cup.
We are celebrating that day and have a fantastic FREE video interview with Malcolm Shotton, Peter Rhoades-Brown, Les Phillips and Alan Judge for you to enjoy - there are a few technical issues, but these are difficult times for all of us.
If you'd rather listen to that then it is available as an official Podcast HERE or on iTunes and Spotify and it is also on our You Tube channel.
There's a new feature to read about the day right HERE
All of which should get you in the mood for the big match. We have the whole 90 minutes set to kick off at 2.30 this afternoon on our You Tube Channel: search for Oxford United Official and get yourself ready to press play at 2.30.

We will be tweeting and covering the game LIVE on Twitter and Instagram and we want fans to be part of it as well. Were you there in 1986? What are your memories of the day and the team at that time?

#MilkCupDay is already under way and there are some great images going up already.

Settle down with a glass of milk and a snack, and join us as we head back for 1986 at 2.30.
Happy Milk Cup Day everyone