This Week's 5 Tips for Mental Health

Every week Club Psychotherapist Gary Bloom has been helping us with some simple tips to help with mental health at what is a tough time for everyone.

This week’s top lockdown tips are inspired by New Zealand rugby, where they stress how important it is to separate out in our minds what we can control over the lockdown and what we can’t control.
We can often help reduce stress by putting less attention on the uncontrollables.
For example:
You CAN:
  • Decide How much news I read & watch.
  • The time I spend on social media.
  • Where I direct my energy.
  • How I handle my own emotions.
  • How I look after myself.
You CAN’T control:
  • The behaviour of others.
  • Other people's decisions.
  • Unexpected events or situations.
Focus on the things you can control, ignore the things you can’t and remember: Stay Home, Stay in touch with those you love and trust, and Stay Safe.