Tiger's Update

Chairman Sumrith 'Tiger' Thanakarnjanasuth  is looking for the U's to bounce back when we take on Tranmere Rovers on Saturday.

One of the most difficult parts of my job as Chairman at Oxford is having to try and put across my thoughts when things go against us. So the first thing I want to get across is the huge sense of frustration we are all feeling at the moment. I think this weekend was the worst this year for everyone - definitely for me.

OK there were tough times at the start of last season but since January we have been doing well and then on Saturday everything felt so flat. My first thought was that it was because as we move in to the second month of the season things start to get real. The league table begins to mean something and we are at the wrong end of it. We still have plenty of time but it is so disappointing to be chasing the teams above us again.

I spoke with Karl and I spoke with staff and players; I always do that whether we win or lose. I also spoke with fans, something I think is important to do. Everyone was so disappointed but they all said pretty much the same thing, that this is a strong squad, stronger than last year, and we usually play good football. It didn’t happen for us at Fleetwood but we have a chance to put that right straight away against Tranmere on Saturday.

I can see similarities with last year where we had injuries early on and then clicked in to gear. We have Shandon Baptiste back playing again, which is wonderful news but will take time for him to be back to his very best, the same with Rob Hall who was out for much longer. We have been unfortunate with the injury to Matty Taylor, and have been patient while Dan Agyei and George Thorne get fit. With Ben Woodburn and Mark Sykes away it maybe left us too stretched on Saturday. This is not an excuse for losing the game, but once everyone is available I hope the fans can see the strength we have in all areas.

Believe me, no was one happy with the result. I hear people saying that I need to back Karl and all the players right now. I think that works two ways so maybe my message is a simple one. We want the supporters to back the team and the club as well.

We will give Karl, his amazing staff and players all our backing and all the help they need. They would love the fans to show their own support by being loud and proud. Surprise the players with big crowds and the noise and energy in this tough moment when they step on to the pitch on Saturday. Now is the time for the whole club to stay positive and to try and turn last weekend’s disappointment in to motivation to show our real selves on Saturday.