Kash Siddiqi Addresses the UN

In one of the most remarkable weeks for Oxford United in recent years, it was easy to overlook the fact that one of their players was making history while the first team were rewriting the record books.

Having set a club record with a 6-0 away win at Lincoln, the U’s stormed to a 4-0 win against West Ham in the Carabao Cup then put in a superb first half to beat Gillingham 3-0 and make it five clean sheets in a row. But perhaps the biggest story was happening on the other side of the Atlantic, where Kash Siddiqi was addressing the United Nations!

“I certainly helped when people kept asking me how Oxford are doing right now,” he told us. “What the team have been doing is fantastic and I was following it from afar all week."

Meanwhile Kash was in New York for the 74th of the United Nations General Assembly, continuing his amazing work with Football For Peace:

“I was asked to talk in front of Heads of State and dignitaries and it was an incredible experience” he told us. “So many people want to know about Football For Peace and our belief that football can be an incredible power for speech and dialogue around the world. It was slightly nerve-wracking to stand up in front of them all but the reaction was hugely positive and there has been amazing feedback with so many people wanting to talk to us. It has been quite humbling really.”

Kash will now swap lectern for training ground again as he prepares to put on his boots again

“It’s amazing to be talking to people around the world but I am still a footballer and the next step is to go out to Real Kashmir on loan. Obviously that is a massive adventure but I am really looking forward to it and can’t wait to get the boots on once again and the dream is to show that football can really bring people together, on and off the pitch.”