Injury Won't Stop Kash Siddiqi

Oxford United’s Kash Siddiqi stands by for the adventure of a lifetime as he prepares to jet out to India to play for Real Kashmir in the Indian Premier League, but has also unfortunately faced another injury set back this week.

Kash had been working hard in training and spent time at St Georges Park to get himself fit to play, but having stepped up training last week on the pitch he unfortunately suffered a 85% rupture in his achilles tendon. Fortunately, he has avoided surgery and is now aiming to combine his rehabilitation programme over the next few months with an ambassadorial role as he tries to find out more about one of the world’s most troubled areas.
“Oxford United have been fantastic with me and Karl Robinson has been so supportive" he told us. "It's been a tough week for me on and of the pitch, which is going to limit how much football I can play and has set me back. But it doesn't stop me from going out. I will get fully fit and this is about much more than just playing matches. It is about talking to people and spreading the word that football can do some pretty amazing things, whatever the circumstances.”
“It’s almost time” he added ”and I’m really looking forward to it, despite the situation I am in; perhaps this injury is a blessing in disguise. The Chairman of Real Kashmir came over last week and we went through one or two things and talked about how they will support my recovery and how Football for Peace, an organisation I believe passionately in, can play a part out there and how we can harness the love of football that goes right around the world to try and do good things in that region in particular.
“I am under no illusions. It is going to be tough but Football for Peace is all about facing challenges like this and it is so exciting to finally be going out there. We had SKY TV come and have a chat last week and I am going to try and send as many updates back as I can just so people can see exactly what it is we are doing."
See Kash talking about his preparations on SKY Sports today.