Fans Are The Stars On Family Away Day

We would like to thank every one of the 2,007 fans who travelled with us today and made the game at Coventry such a fantastic occasion

Family Away Day saw a double decker coach full of young fans have a day they will remember for a very long time.

Shandon Baptiste and Malachi Napa were there to wave them off at the Kassam Stadium and while Shandon went off for some treatment at the training ground Malachi travelled to the game with the fans who had plenty to do on the coach to the game with a special match programme produced by our friends at Alchemy and Bishops, a goody bag from KIA Brayleys of Rose Hill and a 'design the kit competition' which allowed one lucky winner to be chosen as the mascot at the match- a great surprise.

There were surprise guest appearances on the pitch from former U’s players Barry Quinn and Andy Whing- two of Coventry’s guests for Legends Day - and in the stand where our number one Japanese fan Kotaro was there with his whole family, including his six month old baby!

It wasn't just the young fans who loved their day- photographers Steve Daniels and Darrell Fisher took plenty of pictures of the stands as we celebrated a famous win.

Enjoy the Gallery above, and we will see you next week when we take on Wycombe Wanderers at home…