Rangers Reaction

Oxford United may have lost at Ibrox yesterday but there were still plenty of positives for Head Coach Karl Robinson

“I can’t stand here and say we are pleased with the result” he told iFollow after the game. “That’s not true at all but I think if you look at the game their goals in the first half came from our shape not being right, which isn’t something you would have worked on at this stage of pre-season really.

“We left ourselves open to the counter attack but we felt that running and fitness were priorities in training last week; shape, set pieces and the tactical side will come now as we start playing games. Rangers are two weeks ahead of us in that regard but we thank them for giving us the opportunity to come here and play.

“Some of our young players will take tremendous heart from playing out there and I thought our travelling fans were fantastic as they always are. It was great to see so many yellow shirts in town this morning when I was walking round. It was a nice way to start and it felt like a real game with an overnight, pre-match meal and so on.

“We are not at the levels we need to be at yet but that will come and I am happy with all the other things today.”

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