Gavin Whyte - Club Statement

Oxford United will today meet with Gavin Whyte and warn him as to his future conduct after an incident back home in Northern Ireland at the weekend.

Gavin was filmed behaving in a way that is clearly unacceptable from a professional footballer and we will work with both Gavin and the Irish FA to ensure that he is aware of his responsibilities. Manager Karl Robinson said

“It is totally out of character. Gavin is a quiet, respectful young man who is totally devastated by this: I have rarely heard anyone so remorseful for something that he regrets and knows he shouldn’t have done. Clearly he had drunk too much, and we will deal with that too, but whether you are a footballer or not that sort of behaviour is wrong on every level.

"We will sit down with Gavin today and we will remind him in no uncertain terms of his responsibilities. We have psychological and behavioural support here to help him get through this. He is a great kid and I hope the fans can forgive him for one moment of madness.”

Northern Ireland Manager Michael O’Neill said:

"Gavin’s actions in the video are clearly unacceptable and fall far below the standards that we expect from a Northern Ireland international. I know that Oxford United will discipline him appropriately for this significant mistake and both his club and the Irish FA will put in place measures to make sure that he learns from it."

Gavin told us
"It was a moment of stupidity from me, one I regret very much and which I have to try and learn from. I can only apologise to anyone I offended and to those I let down by my behaviour. I am embarrassed beyond words but all I can do is try to move on, concentrate on my football, and make sure that nothing like this ever happens again."